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Villa Ravi is a Place Where You Feels Like Home


Since 2001, Villa Ravi already serve the housing for rent for student or employee who need a place to stay while their need to study or work in Bandung City. There are a lot of great Universities in Bandung and we have become one of the housing since that, such as Padjajaran University, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), UNIKOM, and many more.

Our neighbourhood is a housing environment, whereyou able to compare us with others. We have 57 rooms, which divided into several different types of rooms. One thing for sure, Villa Ravi will make you Feels Like Home.

About Us

Villa Ravi is a housing for rent monthly and since 2001 we're growing to be the most comfort with all the facility which you need. The quiet environment and homie neighbourhood won't make you feel far from home. Our friendly employee will try to do their best to help you​

Villa Ravi adalah Tempat Dimana Anda Merasa Seperti di Rumah Sendiri


Sejak 2001, Villa Ravi telah menjadi rumah kost untuk pelajar atau karyawan yang memerlukan tempat tinggal selama mereka menempuh studi atau bekerja di kota bandung. Ada banyak Universitas tekenal di Bandung dan kami telah menjadi rumah kost bagi para mahasiswa semenjak itu, seperti Universitas Padjajaran, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), UNIKOM, dan masih banyak lagi.

Lingkungan kami adalah lingkungan rumah kost, dimana anda dapat membandingkan dengan rumah kost kami. Kami meliki 57 kamar, yang terbagi dalam beberapa tipe kamar. Satu hal yang pasti, Villa Ravi akan membuat anda sperti di rumah sendiri.

© 2015, proudly created by Riezky Aprilia via

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